Attractive to Bees

There are always lots of bees and insects around the nursery and here we have compiled a list of those clematis & climbers which are most attractive to them. We all know how important bees are for us and the eco-system so with these plants we can support wildlife and enjoy the garden too. 

Bees visit flowers to collect nectar and pollen, which they use as food for themselves and the larvae in their hives or nests. By moving from flower to flower, they are vital pollinators of many garden and wild flowers. Insect pollination is essential for the cropping of most fruits and some vegetables.

Thanks must go to Wim Snoeijer for his help in refining this list.

To find out much more about how important Bees are to our lives, you can visit an interesting website on the different types of bees in the UK.

108 Items
Clematis Sweet Summer Love

Sweet Summer Love has wonderfully scented flowers of rich deep red when first open, maturing through purply-red and paling to light purplish violet as the flowers age.

Clematis tangutica

Mid yellow to golden lantern shaped blooms are produced in huge abundance across this popular species of clematis. The height and vigour of the plant are what make it so popular including the fact it thrives without much care or attention. Give it space to grow and do not try to contain it in a small area.

Clematis terniflora (Sweet Autumn Clematis)

Clematis terniflora has clusters of small white star-shaped flowers with a gorgeous hawthorn-like perfume, from which it gets its common name 'Sweet Autumn Clematis'.

Clematis terniflora var. mandschurica

Clematis terniflora var. mandschurica has large clusters of white star-like flowers that have a good sweet scent. It has a spectacular shiny seed-heads, is an excellent scrambler that we have always enjoyed using in our garden and it is a very low maintenance plant.

Clematis triternata Rubromarginata

The abundant clusters of small almond-scented star-like flowers are white with bright pinky-red tips. A favourite in our garden and one we will never be without! 
She is often know as flammula 'Rubromarginata' and is also abbreviated to TRM.

Clematis TWINKLE 'Zotwi'

Dainty bell shaped flowers of white have a pale sky-blue at the 'crown' of the flower and the tepals gently twist towards the ends. In sunny conditions flowers become fully white.

Clematis Ville de Lyon

The stunning cherry-red flowers have a broad pinkish-mauve bar that is overlaid with cherry-red veins. A classic clematis which will give a striking display in your garden.

Clematis Voluceau

Flowers of deep burgundy red are gently rounded and have a satin sheen and a crown of golden anthers in the centre. A popular cultivar bred by A Girault of Orleans, France around the 1970s.

Clematis WHITE ARABELLA 'Zo14089'

The first flowers are semi-double, secondary blooms are single but all are purest white and starlike in their appearance. An extremely abundant and hardy variety named due to it's resemblance to the ever popular Arabella.

Clematis Wilsonii (montana var. wilsonii)

The clouds of satin-white star-like flowers have a distinctive crown of greeny-cream stamens and are delicately scented and said by some to smell like chocolate. 

Clematis Wyevale

The mid blue hyacinth shaped flowers are borne in clusters and have a gorgeous perfume. This clump-forming clematis has erect woody stems and requires free draining soil.

Clematis x aromatica

The reddy-purple star-shaped flowers of clematis Aromatica, mature to violet-blue and have a wonderful spicy scent - a sunny position will enhance the perfume of this popular garden plant.
Ideal for using through the centre of an obelisk or to scramble through small shrubs and companion plants.

Clematis x durandii

The gorgeous rich indigo blue flowers are semi-nodding and have contrasting pale yellow anthers. clematis Durandii is a classic scrambling clematis to enhance any shrub or border.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum beesianum

This strong-growing, twining climber, Jasminum beesianum produces clusters of sweetly scented deep pink flowers that are followed by small black berries. Although deciduous, it can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil.

Jasminum humile Revolutum

Jasminum humile 'Revolutum' is a semi-evergreen shrub with scented, bright yellow flowers in clusters during late spring and early summer. It will keep it's leaves in milder regions where winter temperatures do not get so cold.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum nudiflorum

My Winter Jasmine, jasminum nudiflorum looks a picture growing on my vintage tin workshop walls. Clusters of small yellow flowers appear from bare stems in the winter months, giving a delightful bright splash to dull areas and contrasts brilliantly with the dark green painted tin.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum officinale
Jasminum officinale

This vigorous, twining climber, Jasminum officinale, produces lovely, fragrant white flowers against dark green foliage. Although deciduous, it can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil.

Jasminum officinale Affine

This vigorous, twining climber, Jasminum officinale Affine, produces lovely, fragrant white flowers with a pink tint on slender stems. Although deciduous, it can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil to avoid getting too wet throughout the winter months.

Jasminum officinale Aureum (Aureovariegatum)

Jasminum officinale Aureum is a hardy deciduous climbing jasmine producing abundant clusters of sweetly scented white flowers in summer and autumn with variegated green and creamy yellow foliage.
Previously known as Jasminum officinale Aureovariegatum

Jasminum officinale Devon Cream (Clotted Cream)

Jasminum officinale Devon Cream is one of my favourite Jasmine of all time. Abundant clusters of sweetly scented creamy-white flowers are produced throughout the summer months on a plant capable of covering up to 6x6 foot fence panels! 

Jasminum officinale Inverleith

On Jasminum officinale Inverleith, clusters of pink-red buds open into sweetly scented white flowers during spring and autumn. It can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum polyanthum

What a stunning Jasmine this is. Jasminum polyanthum produces large clusters of strong & sweetly scented white flowers that emerge from rich pink buds. It is also semi-evergreen in very sheltered situations and will requires a free draining soil to avoid it wetting off in the winter.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Jasminum x stephanense

With vigorous young shoots that often have variegated leaves, Jasminum x stephanense also produces beautiful pale pink, scented flowers. It can be semi-evergreen in sheltered situations, and it requires free draining soil to avoid becoming waterlogged in the winter.

Lonicera henryi

Semi-Evergreen Honeysuckle. Glossy slender green foliage is a wonderful background to the clusters of red & yellow tubular scented flowers in summer. For best results choose a good sunny position against a wall, fence or archway. Black fruits are often produced in late summer/autumn.

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