Patio Clematis
Here are all our top recommendations for clematis to grow in 'Patio' pots. While many clematis are suitable for being grown in a pot, these are the best for a compact and prolific display in a typical free-standing patio pot.
When potting patio clematis, choose a large container, preferably terracotta not plastic, at least 18"(45cm) deep with adequate drainage holes. Put plenty of crocks, stones or gravel in the bottom to ensure good drainage and stand the container on feet or bricks to stop the drainage holes becoming blocked.
To keep these clematis compact, we recommend HARD pruning in February / March and pruning hard again after the first flush of flowers has finished.
In other words - ignore the 'normal' pruning instructions!
For further instructions on caring for patio clematis visit the Planting & Care Guide.