Beginners Clematis

Our beginners clematis group have been selected because of their easy to grow nature and ability to perform pretty much regardless of the way they are treated. The shortlist we have provided here should all do well if given careful planting, even if they get neglected a little afterwards!

There is a good spread of flowering times among the list so you can have interest throughout the calendar year and should make life easier for the gardener

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Clematis Fair Rosamond

A lovely old variety that won its first award in 1873! When first open the white star-shaped flowers bear a deep pink bar down the centre of the tepals which soon fades in the sun. It has a wonderful crown of deep purply-red stamens.

Clematis FLEURI Evipo042

The pretty rich purple star-shaped flowers have a hint of a purply-red bar and a sumptuous velvety satin sheen. A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis FOREVER FRIENDS 'Zofori'

A favourite of ours for many years, Forever Friends beautifully textured satin-white star-shaped flowers have contrasting dusky red anthers. Exceptionally free flowering and easy to grow.

Clematis Forget Me Not

The pretty light mauve-blue flowers have a deeply textured surface and crimped margins. Clematis 'Forget Me Not' will make a very useful plant for a gift.

Clematis Fragrant Spring

The light mauvy-pink, vanilla scented flowers, have contrasting greeny-yellow stamens and are borne in great abundance. Grow in a sunny position to enhance the perfume.

Clematis Frankie

Clematis Frankie has deep mauve-blue single nodding bell-shaped flowers with a creamy-white inner skirt. A dainty but also very hardy plant, this will be a clematis I will always have in my garden.

Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis General Sikorski

The lovely mid mauvy-blue flowers have a small rose-pink bar at the base of each tepal and a crown of contrasting yellow stamens. A widely grown and much loved clematis.

Clematis Gipsy Queen

This lovely old clematis has dark bluey-purple blooms with a hint of reddish-purple along the bar when first open. A wonderful companion for your climbing roses.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis GOLDEN TIARA 'Kugotia'

Attractive bright golden-yellow nodding lantern-shaped flowers have distinctive contrasting reddish-purple stamens and leave silky seed-heads.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Grandiflora (montana var. grandiflora)

The eye-catching satin white flowers have rounded tips, lightly ruffled margins and contrasting bright yellow anthers. A really rampant grower!
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Hagley Hybrid

The lovely shell pink star-shaped blooms have a deeper rose-pink bar when first open, they mature to pale mauve-pink. An old favourite of ours which is perfect in a shady position.

Clematis Helsingborg

clematis Helsingborg is an extremely free flowering plant which is also very hardy. The single nodding bell-shaped flowers are deep bluey-purple and produced in great numbers through the spring and are followed by an abundance of silvery seed-heads.

Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Huldine

These elegant satin-white blooms have an almost transparent, pearly appearance, due to their attractive mauve reverse being an apparent feature. An excellent candidate to add interest to your garden in autumn.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Jackmanii

A quintessential 'cottage garden' flower, whose gently nodding bluish-purple blooms look amazing when combined with climbing roses, or clambering over a porch or arch.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit


The glorious velvety plum-purple blooms are deeper at the margins and tips, with paler highlights in the centre around the crown of pale yellow stamens. Its colour matures to bluey-purple as the blooms age.

Clematis Jackmanii Superba

The dainty silvery-mauve nodding buds open to gloriously rich purple blooms. They have a reddish bar when first open which gradually fades as the blooms mature to bluish-purple.

Clematis Jan Lindmark

The clematis Jan Lindmark has very handsome semi-double bell-shaped flowers of mid rosy-lavender. A favourite in our family as it is named after our friend, a respected clematarian and  garden writer in Sweden.

Clematis Jingle Bells

The flowers of cirrhosa Jingle Bells are a beautiful creamy-white, they are nodding and bell-shaped with a hint of citrus scent if grown in a sunny location. A charming and prolific winter flowering evergreen clematis that requires a sunny and free draining soil.

Clematis John Huxtable

The pretty white flowers are deeply textured and have a wonderful satin sheen. This popular clematis is perfect to brighten any dull spot in your garden and excellent for a long summer and autumn flowering period.

Clematis Justa

The pale violet-blue flowers often have a light mauve tint to the middle of the tepal and prominent yellow stamens in the centre. A very hardy garden plant and prolific in flower.

Clematis Kermesina

The silvery-pink buds open to glorious deep crimson flowers and have a white spot at the base of each tepal with contrasting dark brown stamens.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Lambton Park

The bright yellow nodding lantern-shaped flowers are followed by beautiful silky seed-heads. Grow in a sunny position to enhance the coconut-like perfume. A favourite in our garden.
Also known as clematis tangutica Lambton Park.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Little Bas

The dainty bluey-purple nodding bell-shaped flowers have a white star on the interior and are perfect for that 'cottage garden' look. Clematis 'Little Bas' was raised in Holland on the nursery of J van Zoest and named after their youngest son.

Clematis Madame Baron-Veillard

Very pretty lilac-pink flowers are nicely textured with ribs and have a lovely satin sheen to them. Grow in sun to part shade for best flowering performance.

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