Beginners Clematis

Our beginners clematis group have been selected because of their easy to grow nature and ability to perform pretty much regardless of the way they are treated. The shortlist we have provided here should all do well if given careful planting, even if they get neglected a little afterwards!

There is a good spread of flowering times among the list so you can have interest throughout the calendar year and should make life easier for the gardener

85 Items
Clematis tangutica

Mid yellow to golden lantern shaped blooms are produced in huge abundance across this popular species of clematis. The height and vigour of the plant are what make it so popular including the fact it thrives without much care or attention. Give it space to grow and do not try to contain it in a small area.

Clematis The First Lady

The glamorous bluey-mauve star-shaped flowers have a hint of a deep rose-pink bar when first open. Clematis 'The First Lady' has wavy, almost frilly margins and a crown of deep raspberry-red stamens that add to her charm.

Clematis Tie Dye

Clematis 'Tie Dye'. These distinctive, unusual violet-blue star-shaped flowers are liberally marbled with mauve and white. Ours looks fabulous growing with a lovely apricot coloured climbing rose called 'Meg'- an eye-catching combination!
Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Rare or Collectable!
Clematis Toki
Clematis Toki

The beautiful rich satin-white blooms first open a creamy-white with cream bars. As the bloom matures it turns to pure white.
A wonderfully reliable variety given to us by our friend Kozo Sugimoto from Japan and now grown widely by many of our customers.

Clematis Valour

clematis 'Valour' is an exceptional viticella that produces beautiful pinky-lilac 'katherine-wheel' shaped flowers in great abundance. They have pretty contrasting pale yellow stamens which provide a striking centre piece.
Exhibited first by Thorncroft Clematis at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2018.

Clematis Venosa Violacea

The eye-catching flowers have broad deep purple margins that merge towards a white bar which has rosy-purple veins running through it. A lovely crown of stamens further enhance the striking effect of these blooms.
'Recommended' by a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Victoria (Jackmanii group)

Clematis 'Victoria'. The gorgeous deep pinky-mauve semi-nodding flowers have a rose-pink flush along their central bars which fades as the blooms mature to light pinkish-mauve. A wonderful companion for your climbing roses.

Clematis Voluceau

Flowers of deep burgundy red are gently rounded and have a satin sheen and a crown of golden anthers in the centre. A popular cultivar bred by A Girault of Orleans, France around the 1970s.

Clematis Warszawska Nike (syn. Warsaw Nike)

Clematis 'Warszawska Nike' (syn. Warsaw Nike) has wonderful rich reddy-purple blooms that mature to bluey-purple and have beautifully contrasting yellow stamens. Pronounced Var-sharv-ska Nee-ka.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Wesselton

clematis Wesselton has light to mid blue, semi-double, nodding, bell-shaped flowers which are larger than those of C. macropetala species. Named after a village in Suffolk.
'Recommended' by a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.

Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Westerplatte

The striking, slightly purply-red blooms have brighter red bars and a luxurious velvety sheen and complimentary deep red stamens. The flowers reverse has a distinct white bar.

Clematis WONDERFUL 'Zo09073'

The vibrant pinkish-red semi-nodding flowers have a dark centre, are very pretty and produced in huge abundance from mid to late summer. A striking climber for any arch or arbor and a great companion plant too.

Clematis x durandii

The gorgeous rich indigo blue flowers are semi-nodding and have contrasting pale yellow anthers. clematis Durandii is a classic scrambling clematis to enhance any shrub or border.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

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