Patio Clematis

Here are all our top recommendations for clematis to grow in 'Patio' pots. While many clematis are suitable for being grown in a pot, these are the best for a compact and prolific display in a typical free-standing patio pot.

When potting patio clematis, choose a large container, preferably terracotta not plastic, at least 18"(45cm) deep with adequate drainage holes.  Put plenty of crocks, stones or gravel in the bottom to ensure good drainage and stand the container on feet or bricks to stop the drainage holes becoming blocked.

To keep these clematis compact, we recommend HARD pruning in February / March and pruning hard again after the first flush of flowers has finished.
In other words - ignore the 'normal' pruning instructions!

For further instructions on caring for patio clematis visit the Planting & Care Guide.

104 Items
Clematis JULIANE Evipo049

Clematis JULIANE has very pretty pure white flowers that have a cupped shape when first opening and a very rounded tip. White filaments are tipped with reddy-brown anthers.

Clematis Julka

The attractive velvety looking violet-purple blooms have eye-catching bright purply-red bars.
Luxurious velveteen beauty but also a very hardy plant and free flowering too.

Clematis KINGFISHER Evipo037

Clematis KINGFISHER is a smashing climber for the garden or a container. It has rich blue flowers with a rounded petal and contrasting pale yellow

Clematis KITTY Evipo097

The very pretty creamy-white flowers have a pale green bar when first open. The gently undulating margins add to its attraction as do the complimentary crown of dusky purply-pink stamens.

Clematis LAVALLEE No.1

Launched by Thorncroft Clematis - LAVALLEE No.1 has rich deep bluey-purple flowers that blend to an almost white bar in the centre of the tepal and very prominent purple stamens like luxurious eyelashes in the centre.

Clematis LIBERTY 'Zo08095'

This stunning bloom opens with a broad rich raspberry-pink margin and veins over a pinky-white base and bar. As the flower matures the pinky-white at the centre becomes more prominent towards its golden stamens.
Introduced to the UK by Thorncroft at Chelsea Flower Show.

Clematis LINDSAY EvisGsy152

Striking flowers of 4-6 inches across are a rich purply-blue and have a velvety wine red anther in the centre. They adorn the plant from top to bottom through May to July and once again in September.

Clematis LITTLE LEMONS 'Zo14100'

Little Lemons is an intriguing introduction from our friends at Jan van Zoest clematis nursery in The Netherlands.
Dainty yellow flowers are 1-1.5 inches across and produced in great abundance on short stems of 25-30cm. The flower leaves a wonderful glossy seedhead and it blooms semi-continuously from the late spring to early autumn.  Please read the plant cultivation information carefully by clicking the image and scrolling down.

Clematis MASA Evipo089

Clematis MASA has very abundant, exotic looking flowers, with rich bluey-purple tepals and deep purple anthers that have a silvery sheen. Prolific and easy to grow.

Clematis Meghan

As Featured on the BBC and Launched by Thorncroft Clematis at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019.  This lovely new clematis was named

Clematis NUBIA Evipo079

The glorious rich velvety-red star-shaped flowers have dark purply-red stamens. This would make an eye-catching addition to your garden, or perfect for a container on a patio, or even on a balcony.

Clematis OLYMPIA Evipo099

Clematis OLYMPIA has superb mid-blue star-shaped flowers which often show a faint rose shading down the centre of the tepals and a crown of cream stamens.

Clematis Omoshiro

These elegant pinky-white satin-like blooms are outlined around their margins & tips by rich raspberry-pink. This deep colouring covers the whole of their reverse. A crown of raspberry-red stamens completes this fabulous picture.

Clematis OOH LA LA Evipo041

This appropriately named eye-catching clematis has light mauvy-pink wavy margins and vibrant deep pink bars. Wow! A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis Ozawas Blue

The rich mid-blue nodding bell-shaped flowers have light mauve-blue margins and strongly recurving tips.

Clematis Pangbourne Pink

The nodding bell-shaped flowers of Pangbourne Pink are a gloriously rich deep rose-pink. Some people can detect a delicate perfume if it is grown in the sun.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis PARISIENNE Evipo019

The rich mid violet-blue star-shaped flowers have a hint of pink along the central bar when first open and glorious wine-red stamens at the centre. A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis PAULIE Evipo058

The handsome flowers first open with pinky-lavender margins that mature to deep lavender-blue. They have rich velvety-red bars and deep red anthers.

Clematis PETIT FAUCON Evisix

clematis Petit Faucon is a marvellous little plant with nodding to outward facing flowers with four rich bluey-purple tepals. The stamens have rosy-purple filaments and golden yellow anthers. 
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis PICARDY Evipo024

The handsome dusky purply-red flowers mature to mauve-red and have a brighter red bar when first open. A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis PICOTEE 'Zo09124'

The sumptuous large flowers are pearly-white at the centre with bright cerise pink margins and pointed tips. A wonderfully eye-catching bloom.

Clematis Piilu

The pretty double, and single, mid mauvy-pink flowers have deep rose-pink bars, irregular white markings and a crown of yellow stamens. The later blooms are always single. Pronounced Pee-loo.

Clematis PISTACHIO Evirida

The elegant creamy-white blooms have an unusual crown of pinkish-grey inward curled anthers with a prominent tuft of green stigmas in the centre.

Clematis Rhapsody (Fretwell)

The beautiful bright sapphire-blue star-shaped flowers have a deeply textured surface with crimped, undulating margins and contrasting primrose-yellow stamens. It also has a noticeable sweet scent.

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