Here we have listed all the clematis we stock in alphabetical order so you can use the filter on the left to select the best options for your garden situation.

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Clematis Paul Farges (Fargesioides, SUMMER SNOW)

Clematis 'Paul Farges' The clusters of dainty creamy-white flowers have a very prominent crown of primrose-yellow stamens. A vigorous climber that produces an abundance of pretty flowers.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis PAULIE Evipo058

The handsome flowers first open with pinky-lavender margins that mature to deep lavender-blue. They have rich velvety-red bars and deep red anthers.

Clematis Perle d' Azur

This popular, well-known clematis has wonderful light to mid mauvy-blue semi-nodding blooms which have a rose-pink bar that gradually fades as they mature. A wonderful companion for your climbing roses.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis PERNILLE 'Zo09113'

Pretty and striking flowers of white have a deep purple margin maturing to pale violet purple, borne in great abundance on this strong growing hardy clematis. A wonderful introduction from J van Zoest nursery Holland and introduced to the UK by Thorncroft Clematis at the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show 2017

Clematis PETIT FAUCON Evisix

clematis Petit Faucon is a marvellous little plant with nodding to outward facing flowers with four rich bluey-purple tepals. The stamens have rosy-purple filaments and golden yellow anthers. 
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis PICARDY Evipo024

The handsome dusky purply-red flowers mature to mauve-red and have a brighter red bar when first open. A very compact, free-flowering climber perfect for a pot!

Clematis PICOTEE 'Zo09124'

The sumptuous large flowers are pearly-white at the centre with bright cerise pink margins and pointed tips. A wonderfully eye-catching bloom.

Clematis Pictons Variety
Clematis Pictons Variety

Classic rounded montana flowers of deep mauvy-pink set against a rich bronze foliage which has a distinctive shape. Less invasive than some montana and easy to train.

Clematis Piilu

The pretty double, and single, mid mauvy-pink flowers have deep rose-pink bars, irregular white markings and a crown of yellow stamens. The later blooms are always single. Pronounced Pee-loo.

Clematis PINK CHAMPAGNE 'Kakio'

The bright purply-cerise star-shaped blooms merge to pale lilac-mauve bars which are offset by a glorious crown of bright yellow stamens. Some people can detect a slightly spicy scent.

Clematis Pink Dwarf

The clusters of hyacinth shaped flowers are pale to light silvery-pink and makes an excellent 'front of border' plant. This clump-forming clematis has erect woody stems and requires free draining soil.

Clematis Pink Fantasy

The delightful light peachy-pink blooms have a deeper rose-pink bar which pales as the flowers mature to pale pink. The crimped, wavy margins and contrasting wine-red stamens add to its overall charm.

Clematis Pink Flamingo

The pale pink semi-double bell-shaped flowers have deep rose pink at the base of the tepals which also runs through the veins. Clematis Pink Flamingo is a variety that has been around for many years, standing the test of time and delighting gardeners every spring.

Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
Clematis Pink Perfection (montana var. rubens 'Pink Perfection')
Clematis Pink Perfection (montana var. rubens 'Pink Perfection')

Pale pink rounded flowers have a delightful fragrance when grown in the sun. A reliable and popular montana we have grown for many years.
Also known as montana Pink Perfection.

Clematis PISTACHIO Evirida

The elegant creamy-white blooms have an unusual crown of pinkish-grey inward curled anthers with a prominent tuft of green stigmas in the centre.

Rare or Collectable!
Clematis pitcheri
Clematis pitcheri

A native of the USA, it has glossy deep purple to purply-red nodding pitcher shaped flowers. Colour can vary slightly dependent on aspect and soil type. This rare species is a semi-herbaceous, deciduous climber that thrives in the sun.

Clematis Pixie

Clematis 'Pixie' has pale greeny-cream star-shaped male flowers that provide the most gorgeous citrus-like perfume. A charming little

Clematis Polish Spirit

The dark purple flowers have a slight reddish-purple bar which fades to bluey-purple as the blooms mature. An excellent choice to give later flowers in your garden.
'Recommended' by a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Praecox

The clusters of white star-shaped flowers have deep bluey-mauve tips. A clump-forming, vigorous, scrambler that also looks fabulous when trained against a wall. clematis 'Preacox' is also known as jouiniana 'Preacox'.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Primrose Star

Very pale primrose yellow semi-double blooms are very abundant on this lovely prolific flowering montana. One of the more compact growers in this group, suitable for smaller gardens.

Clematis Prince Charles

This gorgeous blue clematis opens light azure blue with a hint of pink along the central bar. As the blooms mature they become more mauve-blue, losing the pink tint. An outstanding performer!
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Prince George

The gorgeous white flowers of this new clematis are very deeply textured with crimped, wavy margins & cream anthers. It has been named in honour of Prince George, son of Prince William the Prince of Wales.

Clematis PRINCE WILLIAM® 'Zo08171'

The purply-red flower buds open to handsome semi-nodding tulip-shaped flowers, with mauve margins and deep lavender interiors. Try growing this with clematis PRINCESS KATE or lonicera japonica Princess Kate to make a stunning feature in your garden.

Clematis Princess Charlotte
Clematis Princess Charlotte

Named to commemorate her birth, clematis Princess Charlotte has double, dahlia-like blooms of mauvey-blue and a subtle pinky-mauve margins. Very pretty indeed.

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