Here we have listed all the clematis we stock in alphabetical order so you can use the filter on the left to select the best options for your garden situation.

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Clematis JULIANE Evipo049

Clematis JULIANE has very pretty pure white flowers that have a cupped shape when first opening and a very rounded tip. White filaments are tipped with reddy-brown anthers.

Clematis Julka

The attractive velvety looking violet-purple blooms have eye-catching bright purply-red bars.
Luxurious velveteen beauty but also a very hardy plant and free flowering too.

Clematis Justa

The pale violet-blue flowers often have a light mauve tint to the middle of the tepal and prominent yellow stamens in the centre. A very hardy garden plant and prolific in flower.

Clematis Kaiu

The dainty pearly-white nodding urn-shaped flowers have a pinky-mauve blush. A vigorous grower that makes a good companion to large shrubs, and whose delightful blooms make excellent cut flowers. 

Clematis Kermesina

The silvery-pink buds open to glorious deep crimson flowers and have a white spot at the base of each tepal with contrasting dark brown stamens.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis KINGFISHER Evipo037

Clematis KINGFISHER is a smashing climber for the garden or a container. It has rich blue flowers with a rounded petal and contrasting pale yellow

Clematis Kiri Te Kanawa

The beautiful double rosette-like blooms are deep lavender-blue and have contrasting cream stamens. It always produces double blooms.

Clematis KITTY Evipo097

The very pretty creamy-white flowers have a pale green bar when first open. The gently undulating margins add to its attraction as do the complimentary crown of dusky purply-pink stamens.

Clematis Kokonoe

This stunning new clematis looks to be a big hit with gardeners.  With it's deep royal-purple double blooms which stand out from the rich green foliage on long slender stems giving it a very exotic appearance.

Clematis Konigskind

This compact clematis has pretty mid violet-blue flowers with slightly paler bars and beetroot-red stamens. Ideal for patio pots.

Clematis Lady Betty Balfour

The deep lavender-blue flowers have mid blue bars and contrasting yellow stamens. A lovely old cultivar that is brilliant for providing your garden with late summer and autumn flowers.

Clematis Lagoon

The deep, slightly greyish, blue semi-double nodding bell-shaped flowers of clematis Lagoon have occasional white markings on the inside and are produced in huge numbers. It is a hardy plant that is also one of our best sellers.

Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Lambton Park

The bright yellow nodding lantern-shaped flowers are followed by beautiful silky seed-heads. Grow in a sunny position to enhance the coconut-like perfume. A favourite in our garden.
Also known as clematis tangutica Lambton Park.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Lansdowne Gem

Dainty bell-shaped flowers are a dull claret colour inside with a cream reverse and have cream anthers. The plant was discovered as a sport of 'Freckles' in 1995 by Merv Jerard of Lansdowne Valley, Christchurch, New Zealand. Often misspelt clematis 'Landsdown Gem'

Clematis Lasurstern

The rich mid blue star-shaped flowers have wavy margins and contrasting yellow stamens. This is a classic old clematis that we've had in our collection every year since we started and to this day it never fails to impress us.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit

Clematis Laura Denny

The creamy-white blooms mature to almost pure white and have pinkish-beige stamens. She has an elegance and beauty hard to find in other white clematis.

Clematis LAVALLEE No.1

Launched by Thorncroft Clematis - LAVALLEE No.1 has rich deep bluey-purple flowers that blend to an almost white bar in the centre of the tepal and very prominent purple stamens like luxurious eyelashes in the centre.

Clematis LIBERTY 'Zo08095'

This stunning bloom opens with a broad rich raspberry-pink margin and veins over a pinky-white base and bar. As the flower matures the pinky-white at the centre becomes more prominent towards its golden stamens.
Introduced to the UK by Thorncroft at Chelsea Flower Show.

Clematis LINDSAY EvisGsy152

Striking flowers of 4-6 inches across are a rich purply-blue and have a velvety wine red anther in the centre. They adorn the plant from top to bottom through May to July and once again in September.

Clematis Little Bas

The dainty bluey-purple nodding bell-shaped flowers have a white star on the interior and are perfect for that 'cottage garden' look. Clematis 'Little Bas' was raised in Holland on the nursery of J van Zoest and named after their youngest son.

Clematis LITTLE LEMONS 'Zo14100'

Little Lemons is an intriguing introduction from our friends at Jan van Zoest clematis nursery in The Netherlands.
Dainty yellow flowers are 1-1.5 inches across and produced in great abundance on short stems of 25-30cm. The flower leaves a wonderful glossy seedhead and it blooms semi-continuously from the late spring to early autumn.  Please read the plant cultivation information carefully by clicking the image and scrolling down.

Clematis Little Nell

The dainty semi-nodding flowers have white bars and pale mauve-pink margins. Despite its delicate appearance it is an exceptionally 'good-doer' and an excellent garden plant. Another one of Peter's many favourites!

Clematis Little White Charm

Large clusters of star-like cream & white flowers have the strongest perfume of all armandii types. A superb evergreen climber requiring free draining soil.

Clematis Louise Rowe

This luxurious, classy looking pale mauve clematis, produces double, semi-double and single blooms all at the same time, which is quite unique. A family favourite!

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