
Stupendous Star Jasmin!🌟 - Trachelospermum jasminoides - Plant of The Moment

Trachelospermum jasminoides is commonly known as Star Jasmin, a splendid evergreen with a scented summer flower.

At Thorncroft Clematis we have always had a collection of other climbers for our customers to enjoy and we consider great garden performance to be the most important quality any plant should have.  Well you get that with Trachelospermum that's for sure!
An abundance of very dainty white star shaped flowers come out in around July, August and continue into early September and they have a strong sweet fragrance to fill your garden with scent.

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Trachelospermum jasminoides (Star Jasmin)
Trachelospermum are are woody evergreen twining climber that originates from the woodlands of Japan, Korea and China.
They have a pretty dark green oval leaf and will climb and twine happily on most wall supports like trellis wire or netting.
In some southern areas of England the plant will stay evergreen whilst in more northerly regions, the leaves often turn a reddy-bronze during the colder winter months.
Trachelospermum jasminoides can be grown throughout the whole of the UK because it's from that select band of hardy evergreen climbers which will grow in sun or shade and on a great variety of supports including a pergola, archway or fences.
The best soil conditions would be fertile, well drained and improved with rotted organic matter like garden compost, or if growing in a large container (50cm diameter and depth minimum) pot with a loam-based potting compost like John Innes No.3.
The ultimate height will be between 10 and 15 feet assuming that you prune a little each autumn once the flowers have finished and it will take around 5 to 8 years to make this size.
To Order Your Star Jasmin Click Here!