The pretty semi-nodding pinky-red flowers have a deeply textured surface and crimped margins. Aptly named, the blooms are indeed produced in great abundance.
Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
Dainty nodding bell-shaped flowers of pure white have an occasional hint of blue at the base of the tepals and a sweet scent. A reliable performer and excellent herbaceous clematis.
The semi-nodding irregular shaped white flowers have green 'leaf-like' tips to its early blooms. These delightful blooms are treasured by flower-arrangers.
clematis Alionushka has beautiful deep mauve-pink nodding bell-shaped flowers which are produced in huge abundance through the summer to autumn months.
The very deep mauvish-pink nodding bell-shaped flowers have light pink margins to their twisted tepals. A prolific and easy to grow form of the herbaceous integrifolia family.
The pretty creamy-yellow nodding buds open to pure white outward-facing flowers. This lovely clematis can be light pruned depending on the area needing to be covered.Also known as clematis tangutica 'Anita'.
Dainty urn-shaped flowers of pale lilac become almost white at the recurving tips of the blooms. Long flowering and compact so ideal for short supports or containers.Introduced to the UK by Thorncroft Clematis and launched at the RHS Chatsworth Flower Show 2017.
clematis Arabella has mid mauvy-blue flowers with a hint of a rose pink bar when first open. A long standing favourite of our family and one that has done really well in our garden. Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
The flamboyant, eye-catching semi-double, violet-purple flowers have a white stripe in the centre of the tepal and a spiky centre of violet-purple and white petaloid stamens. An outstanding cultivar for your garden.
These unusual deep pinky-red flowers have a pale pink pom-pom like centre and strongly recurved tips to the tepals.'Recommended' by a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.
Pretty pale bluey-mauve nodding bell-shaped flowers, whose pointed tips open and twist slightly to reveal a deeper bluey-mauve and textured inside. The delicate perfume is more noticeable when planted in the sun.
Its bright yellow nodding, lantern-shaped flowers have distinctive dark reddish-brown stamens that leave wonderful silky seed-heads. Excellent for late flowers.Also known as clematis orientalis 'Bill Mackenzie'.Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
The deep reddish-purple semi-nodding flowers have a silvery reverse. Their simple shape and elegant colouring are a charming addition to your garden.
The gorgeous pale, mauvy-blue flowers have a pretty satin sheen across their deeply textured surface. Its crimped and wavy margins taper to pointed tips. At dusk the flowers become almost luminous. Beautiful!Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
The pretty violet-blue flowers have four long twisted tepals. A very pretty and free flowering clematis which is also good as a cut flower.
Highly praised by Gardening Which? in 2010. Clematis Blue River has beautiful bluish-lilac star-shaped flowers which have a deeper lilac bar and are produced in abundance.A popular plant with flower arrangers because the flowers last well in water.
These gorgeous flowers are almost black on opening and mature to the deepest purple with a velvety sheen. As the flower ages the crown of stamens take on a silvery appearance which adds to their charm.
The pretty bluey-white flowers merge to light blue margins and tips. The reverse has the same colouring with distinctive purple ribs. It is exceptionally free-flowering.
When first open the light mauvy-blue flowers have rosy-violet shading along the central bar which fades as the blooms mature. A deeply textured surface, crimped and undulating margins add to their charm.
The delightful semi-nodding bell-shaped flowers are rich deep pink, merging to light mauve-pink margins and recurved tips. A wonderful sight cascading over our arch. Formerly known as texensis 'Etoile Rose'.
The dark bluey-purple flowers have beautifully contrasting pale yellow stamens and are produced in huge abundance across the plant for a long time through the summer An outstanding performer that adorns gardens across the world.Received a Top Award in a Popular Garden Magazine Dec 2020.Awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
The glossy dark violet-blue nodding bell-shaped flowers have paler margins. clematis Fascination has a subtle spicy scent when grown in sun.
The clusters of small white star-like flowers have a sweet hawthorn scent. Clematis flammula is a semi-evergreen climber which requires free draining
The light butter-yellow nodding bell-shaped flowers open out to reveal striking reddish-purple stamens. Grow in a sunny position to enhance its lovely citrus-like perfume.Also known as serratifolia 'Golden harvest'.